
Showing posts from February, 2013

Install MySQL In Ubuntu On VMware And Connect Through The Host Pc (windows or any host pc)

This article explain how to install MySql 5.5 with Ubuntu 12.04 on VMware (VMware Workstation 8.0.1) and connect through the virtual pc to access the MySql databases in Host pc (Windows or what ever os on host pc).  1.Install MYSQL On Ubuntu 12.04 sudo apt-get install mysql-server   (make sure you are log in as root user,fast internet connection help to download package's correctly.if network connection slow,then download packages may be corrupted!) 2.Install MYSQL Workbench sudo apt-get install mysql-workbench  

Vmware ubuntu 12.04 - windows 7 networking

Virtual machine settings : ------------------------- Network adapter - Host Only IPv4 Settings - Method Automatic DHCP IPv6 Settings -  Method Automatic Host-PC --------- Select your network adapter  eg: Celcome3G BroadBand Right click - > properties -> goto Sharing-> select  Allow to other network  users to connect through this computer's internet  connection. Then select vmware network adapter VMNet1. Then Press OK.

Reboot VMware -Ubuntu

sudo reboot

VMWare Tool Installation for Ubuntu

#Mount the CD drom sudo mkdir /mnt/cdrom sudo mount /dev/cdrom /mnt/cdrom #Run this command to find the exact name of the VMware Tools bundle; the file name varies depending on your version of Fusion: ls /mnt/cdrom #Extract contents of cdrom to tmp directory tar -zxvf /mnt/cdrom/VMwareTools- .tar.gz -C /tmp/ Note: is the version discovered in the previous step which at the time of writing was  VMwareTools-8.3.7-341836.tar.gz #now move into the vmware tools directory in tmp directory. cd /tmp/vmware-tools-distrib/ #Run the installer with the -d switch to accept defaults. sudo ./ -d

Enabling the root account in ubuntu

sudo -i To enable the Root account (i.e. set a password) use: sudo passwd root