Why use hexadecimal values for computer ?
Let's look at the evolution of the human numbering systems : humans tried base 13, base 11, base 4, base 3, Oh man ! you name it ... until the Hindu-Arabic numbering system BASE 10 was invented. It made everything much easier, from business transactions to handling all sorts of daily interactions including numbers ... Because, we have 10 fingers :) - Tolga Soyata · University of Rochester How about computers ? It is very clear where the BINARY numbering came from: BASE 2 is the natural representation for CPUs ... TRUE or FALSE, the most NOISE TOLERANT numbering system, which is necessary when you are working at 4GHz, and flipping billions of these BITS a second, and you do not want to mistake a 0 for 1. Any higher base system, Base 16 (i.e., hexadecimal), and BASE 256 (BYTE) is a natural expansion of BINARY by using MULTIPLE BINARY bits ... Your question translates to : WHY DID WE INITIALLY CHOOSE TO GROUP 4-BITS ... In other words, why not 5 bits ? 5 bits wo...