
Showing posts from 2011

Variables and Data Types In SQL SERVER

Reserved for Transact-SQL Internal Keywords aggregate alter and any application as assembly backup begin between bigint binary bit break broker by case catalog catch certificate char check checkpoint close commit compute contains continue contract create credential cursor database date datetime datetime2 datetimeoffset deallocate decimal declare default delete deny disable drop else enable end endpoint event exec execute false fetch float foreign ...
1: using Microsoft.Win32; 2: public static bool WriteDefaulConStr( string str) 3: { 4: try { 5: RegistryKey rk = Registry.CurrentUser; 6: RegistryKey sk1 = rk.CreateSubKey( @"Software\abc\efg\hij\"); 7: sk1.SetValue(" abc ", str); 8: return true; 9: } 10: catch (Exception e) { 11: ErrorInRegWriting = e.Message + " \nERROR CODE RG000 "; 12: return false; 13: } 14: } 15:   16: public static string ReadDefaulConStr() 17: { 18: RegistryKey rk = Registry.CurrentUser; 19: RegistryKey sk1 = rk.OpenSubKey(@" Software\abc\efg\hij\ "); 20:   21: if (sk1 == null) 22: { 23: return " NULL_KEY ...


CSS Validator : HTML5 : WEB Developing tutorials : Firebug Add-on For Web Developers : HTML 5 Validator : Browser Comparability :


Systemwide Windows Hooks

System-wide Windows Hooks without external DLL I have seen a bunch of programs that make use of windows hooks to get various information. For instance, revealing the text of passwords edit controls under Windows 2000 and XP is only possible by using a hook procedure and many keyloggers use keyboard hooks. Hooks are a powerful tool in general, they can be used to spy various events in windows and are probably the best way to do so. This little tutorial will at first briefly explain the basics of installing, using and releasing hooks in Windows and why you might encounter problems if you want to avoid using an external DLL. Afterwards, of course, I will provide a solution for the problem. I will assume that you know how to code in C/C++, otherwise you wouldn't have started reading this anyway I suppose. Installing and Uninstalling Hooks The function used to install hooks is SetWindowsHookEx(), assuming that we are coding a 32-bit application. Quoting MSDN, it is define...